5 Fun Gardening Tips!

Green Thumb: “an exceptional aptitude for gardening or for growing plants successfully” 

Does that definition sum up your gardening talents? Well if you are like me, it does not! lol 

The first garden I planted I had no idea what I was doing. We picked out plants that we liked or had pretty flowers and did not consider things like how big they would get, if they were better in sun or shade and the type of care required. 

Big mistake! We had a full blown jungle in our backyard. Over the years through self learning and spending lots and lots of time at garden stores and on the internet researching I would say I have a good handle on gardening but still have a lot to learn. 

Here are some fun gardening tips to try out this summer that I have gathered over the years! 

Roses Love Bananas! - just as they are a healthy snack for us, roses can benefit from the nutrients in a banana. Bananas decompose quickly and can become a part of your rosebush fertilization. Bury the peels a few inches below the ground and let those nutrients come out. 

Newspaper Makes Great Mulch! - Lay several sheets of newsprint over soil and then cover with mulch; they’ll help retain moisture and suffocate weeds. 

Salt Solution Kills Weeds - You can also prevent the growth of weeds in walkway cracks by making a solution of 1 cup salt to 2 cups water, and pouring it directly on the plants. 

Pour Your Ferns a Cup of Tea! - Water your ferns and acid-loving plants like hydrangeas with brewed tea for luscious-looking leaves. (Hydrangeas are my favourite, anyone else?) 

Wrap Tomatoes in Newspaper - Ripen end-of-season tomatoes perfectly by wrapping in a couple sheets of newspaper once they’re off the vine. Store in an airtight container in a dark cabinet or closet, checking every few days. 

Happy gardening!

Meredith Wolf