4 Steps to Get your Home Ready for Winter

Winter is coming and although we can escape to a warm island for a vacation your poor home cannot! 

Now is the time to go through your winter preparation checklist and do any maintenance or repairs that are required before the first frost. 

By being proactive your home will be safer, you will lower your energy bills and increase the lifespan and efficiency of the elements of your home. Basically you want to give your home one big snow suit so your home can stay nice and toasty on the inside all winter long! 

Here are just a few of the important areas of your home to prepare for the coming winter months: 

1. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning 

- Clean/replace the air filter in your furnace for maximum efficiency and improved air quality 

- Check the fireplace for drafts 

- Check to make sure smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working 

- If you have an older thermostat, think about replacing it with a newer programmable unit to save on heating costs. (We installed the Nest and love it) 

  • Switch any ceiling fans to the reverse or clockwise setting, which will blow warm air down to the floor 

2. Windows and Doors 

- Check all the weather stripping around windows and door frames for leaks to prevent heat loss 

- Check all windows and doors for obvious drafts and make sure to caulk both inside and out to keep the heat from escaping 

  • Inspect windows for gaps, broken glass or cracks and repair/replace if needed 

  • If you have have windows with wooden frames check for any signs of rot and decay. Make sure to repair/replace the frames to ensure they do not get any worse during the winter months. 

3. Lawn, Garden and Deck 

- Drain water from any outdoor valves, sprinkler heads and pipes to prevent burst pipes 

- Shut off water to all exterior faucets 

- Trim large trees and overgrown branches that might be close to your house to prevent any damage due to ice or wind storms to your home as well as to power sources 

  • Check handrails to make sure they are nice and secure on any exterior steps 

4. Gutters, Roof and Drains 

- Take a good look at your roof for any missing, warped or damaged shingles and either repair/replace to prevent leaks 

- Clean out gutters of all leaves and debris and ensure that downspouts extend at least 5 feet away from your house to prevent flooding and water damage during any snow melt. 

- Ensure any opening or vents on the exterior are covered to prevent any animal or insect taking residence for the winter months and potentially causing damage 

  • Check for any deteriorated flashing where water may be able to get in, especially around chimneys, skylights, walls and pipes. Seal any joints that may be of concern 

Now you are ready for winter! 

Although you may not be looking forward to the below freezing temps and shovelling snow, your home will be ready! Bundle up … winter is coming! 

Meredith Wolf